UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Read a Portuguese translation of this blog on ovnihoje.com.
Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention.
Throughout history, truth has been hidden or altered. In some cases by accident, but often there has been a malicious intent. Truth has been systematically replaced by a false “reality” – perhaps no more so than in the case of UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Before we relate this ancient allegory to the UFO conspiracy, here’s a quick summary.
The Allegory of the Cave
In brief, Plato’s allegory involves a small group of people imprisoned in chains in a cave. They cannot see out of the cave. Objects are held in front of a fire behind them which casts shadows on the wall for them to see. These shadows are the only things the prisoners can see and they become their world. They have no knowledge of anything outside of this existence.
One day, one of the prisoners escapes the cave. Upon leaving, he is initially blinded by the outside light but then gradually adjusts to it and the reality of life outside the cave.
He returns to the cave to tell the other prisoners about it but they reject him, saying that he has gone mad because his eyes are no longer adapted to the darkness and he is talking of a strange reality they cannot understand.
It is a remarkably insightful allegory. Even the use of darkness and light is spot on. Perhaps the only shortcoming is that it is often regarded as a philosophical concept for intellectual stimulation, rather than a commentary on how society really works.
The most stunning aspect of this allegory is how accurately it reflects the so-called reality that surrounds us. We are the prisoners of this reality – all of us are, to some degree or another.
The Allegory and the UFO Conspiracy
The UFO conspiracy and Plato’s allegory differ but the basic premise is the same and it has been used successfully to control the discussion about UFOs.
In the UFO conspiracy:
- The prisoners are the masses of humanity. They are bound not by physical chains but by mental chains. The weapon of fear holds them in a tight grip. Conditioned to fear standing out from the crowd, they obediently follow the messaging and obey their conditioning.
- The shadows on the wall that the prisoners watch are cast not by fire but by the mass media. The lie they push is resoundingly clear – UFOs are not real, and intelligent alien life has not contacted Earth. Through news, movies, streaming, books, pop music and so many other channels, we are programmed – conditioned to believe that the very idea of intelligent life outside of Earth is ridiculous. A myriad of reasons are given, but it starts by saying that the people reporting sightings are deluded. If more effort is required then more elaborate lies are created. Where necessary, they bring in paid “experts” to professionally debunk with even more outrageous lies.
- The media are controlled by “the Silence Group,” the shadowy forces manipulating world events, operating out of sight for the most part. Their tentacles reach into the depths of power. Politicians, the media and big business are the tools they wield to get their way. Their grip is tight.
But despite the attempt to suppress it, the truth is out there!
The grip of the Silence Group is not absolute. There are cracks in their system. They cannot silence every voice.
They certainly did not silence the founder of The Aetherius Society, Master of yoga Dr. George King. Here is an extract from his editorial in a 1956 issue of Cosmic Voice:
Refuse to allow yourself to become a piece of drift-wood on the tides of materialistic progression. CALL A HALT NOW, this very moment. Make up your mind before you read another word. And prepare to smile in superior tolerance at your persecutors — the self-styled ‘practical’ individuals who refuse to believe anything except what they find convenient to recognize for their own ends. It is very interesting indeed that these same materialists entertain reports such as they were given about conditions on the summit of Mount Everest — reports vouched for by only TWO earth-men and in the next breath deny the obvious authenticity of the statements of DOZENS who have come into contact with Beings from other Planets.
Please note that more witnesses have vouched for meeting visitors from Outer Space just lately, than have been to the North or South Poles. Yet, strangely enough, the alleged practical individuals will readily believe the few explorers when they speak of Polar conditions.
Another paradox is that scientists of today are teaching the scientists of tomorrow theories which exclude the possibility of contacts with Beings from other Planets, and such theories are being accepted as the opinion of the majority. READERS ARE WARNED — this is only part of the scientific conditioning.
You can examine the facts for yourselves, with intelligent and open-minded care; consider them in your mind and accept them, if they be reasonable. Do not be guided by the opinions of the majority, just because they are the opinions of the majority. Start to think for yourselves — now!
It is a great comfort that our Friends from the other Planets are different from those who would limit our freedom of thought. I thank God for that difference! Let us be guided by such Beings.
Dr. King himself certainly was guided by them. In fact, he dedicated his life to cooperating with them in whatever way he could.
His extraterrestrial contacts revealed that the most advanced spacecraft in our skies are visitors from other planets. Sometimes referred to as “Cosmic Masters”, they have visited Earth throughout our history, sometimes living among us. Some of the best known of these are Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Patanjali, Lao Tzu and Ramakrishna.
They came for a very definite purpose — to help humanity.
From their perspective, virtually the whole human race is stuck inside Plato’s cave, blindly accepting the shadows on the cave wall as the truth. The Cosmic Masters want to help us break free from this illusory world pushed upon us by the manipulators behind the scenes and escape the cave.
In 1957, a Cosmic Master referred to as Mars Sector 6 gave a message through the yogic mediumship of Dr. King:
You have been conditioned. You have been specially prepared, all of you, by the few who would turn you outside of yourselves, the few who are the dark manipulators, behind the scenes of your world. You have been specially prepared in order to become but clay in the hands of a few scheming plotters.
Break Away, Break Away, Break Away.
How do you break away?
Let in the Light, then the plotters will themselves run fast. For the Light, when it shines upon them, sets fire to their schemes.
The Spacecraft Sending Light To Earth
The teachings given by the Cosmic Masters are profound and enlightening. But they have done more than educate us about the reality outside the cave, they are offering us a key to escaping the cave.
They have provided an immense source of spiritual energy, or spiritual light, in the form of “Satellite Number 3.”
This colossal, invisible spacecraft is controlled by Mars Sector 6 and comes into orbit of Earth four times per year, for about a month each time. The dates of these orbits are fixed into the future.
While it is in many ways a horrific thought that we have been controlled by a few evil schemers throughout the centuries, the Cosmic Masters bring a message of great hope.
We are sparks of God!
The Cosmic Masters can see our Divinity and they want to help us break out of our conditioned mindsets and realize this for ourselves. Satellite Number 3 is a part of their plan to help make this happen.
Any truly spiritual actions taken while it is in orbit are massively potentized.
But we need to take action.
We need to cooperate with Satellite Number 3.
Here are some words about this from Mars Sector 6:
During this time Satellite No. 3 is in orbit of Terra, we will orbit about 1,550 miles from your surface. We will be undetectable by Earth instruments for reasons you have already been informed. During this time we will radiate energy of a high vibratory nature unto all those individuals and groups upon Terra who will use this energy for the benefit of their brothers.
In no wise may this energy be used to better personal position. In no wise may this energy be used to improve materialistic gain or possession. It may only be used for that nature which right thinking terrestrial man may truthfully claim as fully spiritual. The characteristics of this energy are such that it may not be incorrectly involved by the dark forces among you. It may only be used by those who are in some way traveling upon the path of selfless service.
Use this energy for the benefit of your brothers. Automatically, you too become a beneficiary, for in this way you evoke the Law of Karma in its most positive phase to work on your behalf.
All you need to do to access the energy offered by Satellite Number 3 is to raise your hands in unselfish prayer for others. And there’s no better time to start than now!
Learn more
- Satellite Number 3 and Spiritual Pushes
- How to pray
- Cosmic Voice Volume 2
- Contacts With The Gods From Space
- UFOs and the extraterrestrial message
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